Contrary to the lyrics by The Rolling Stones, time is NOT on your side. This is a broad statement, vague at best but, as you might have guessed I plan on detail....and hopefully it will change the way someone thinks.
As children, we have little to no concept of time. Time is measured by how long a cartoon might last. As teen-agers we can hardly wait until we are another year older so we can drive or go to high school or whatever it is that we live to do...My mom used to tell me not to wish my life away and although I understood her point I could not see how fast time passes really....
In our young adult lives we get busy with life. Working, making a career, a home , a family...and we are so busy that we don't even notice time slipping away until one day when some milestone is reached and the lightbulb that is our inner clock begins to glow faintly. Illuminating only slightly the concept of time moving faster.
Maybe it's your kids graduation. Maybe it's your 30th or 40th birthday or you lose a parent or someone you went to school with. It is then that you can usually hear us saying things like " time seems to go by faster now that we are older" .
But that still isn't the real point I am making.
For those reading who are still basically healthy or just plain young....imagine you have been told you have an incurable, fatal disease. Try to imagine how that might feel. What would you do differently ? How would your priorities change ? Would you modify the way you lived ? Act or behave ? Think ? Relate to others ? Try real hard. Close your eyes and really try to let those feelings into your brain.
I know. It sounds so cliche', so trite , so something......all of us have heard similar stuff. Maybe it was in church when someone asks you if you died tonight are you ready ? That is NOT what I am looking for here. That's your personal issue. No, what I am driving at is more of a complete change in thinking processes.
So, lets get back to it. Have you tried to imagine the feeling ? OK.
Now, everyone has probably heard that country song about hoping one day to get the chance to live like you were dying, or maybe you have read Mitch Alboms book, "Tuesday's with Morrie"
I have referenced it in earlier blogs. I know , running it in the ground, belaboring the point but this is important to me.
The other day, I tried to explain it to my boss and did a poor job. We didn't seem to connect. He thought I meant that all of us should live only in the present, having no goals or dreams or ambitions. That isn't it at all.
I have lots of goals and dreams and ambitions. I want to finish building my 69 Camaro and enjoy it a few years. I want to see my son get married, become a father. I want to win Store Manager of the Quarter or better yet year before I retire. I want to teach my daughter how to pick the right guy. I want to take my wife to NYC.
I believe I will do ALL those things. I think about the future every day. I am not living just for the present.
BUT and this is a big BUT....being diagnosed with Parkinsons ( incurable but not fatal ) caused me to start thinking in terms of my own mortality. Then, my wife bought that book Tuesday's with Morrie. I read it. Everyone should read it. I began to realize that even though ALL of us know we will one day die, few of us live our lives like we understand it. We live thinking tomorrow will ALWAYS come. It doesn't.
Start watching. This past year I have seen a kid my son's age nearly killed by a drunk driver. The son of a high school classmate drop dead with no warning. People around us die all the time and most of us still don't get it.
Remember I asked you to imagine if you were stricken with an incurable , fatal disease ?
Guess what ? You have been. That's right, YOU. It's called LIFE.
An old preacher friend of mine explained it this way. The moment we are born we begin to die. Dying is a natural part of living. Again, don't get me wrong , I am not out trying to "save" you, that's your issue to resolve. Maybe more important, this isn't doom and gloom either. This is about life and how you choose to live it.
If you can accept that being born is an automatic death sentence, that you really are one day going to pass on, that tomorrow is never promised ...and every day ask yourself what you can do today to make a difference, then you WILL live a richer, fuller life.
Make your plans, set your goals, live your dreams. Only you must remember that time is not on your side or at least it may not be.
So, love your family. Take time , it's a quality of life thing really. That's all. Decide what is really important each hour of each day. You will be happier, less stressed and those around you will feel and see the change.
Time is not on your side. What will you do different today ?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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